Saturday, April 9, 2011

clean it up, come out of hiding

After weeks of procrastinating the scary things of living on my own (like laundry), I have finally stopped to smell the flowers. Well, stopped to photograph them at least...
I notice that when I put things off I have a different relationship with myself. And I hide from people when this happens. For me, being an only child means that comfort comes with hibernation and dealing with things alone. But this doesn’t foster healthy relationships with the people you love. When I’m in ‘only child mode,’ the tendency to blame others becomes harder to fight and I take everything personally. This week showed me that getting things done is my ticket out of that destructive place.
I’m not sure what it was that inspired me to clean up my integrity (and my apartment). Call it whatever you like; a boost of vitamin D from the sunny skies of late, or the lack of clean underwear that has pushed me to the edge and forced me to finally dive into my laundry. But what I learned was that when I am in an emotional slump, what there is to do is tackle my to-do list. Nothing gives me more freedom (or more clean laundry).

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