Friday, February 25, 2011

Out of the Zone

It’s funny how we can react to leaving our comfort zone. My whole life I have lost people I loved. Now, here I am, choosing a different life. Choosing to leave a team that I love and have worked so hard to connect to. Choosing to leave my mom and move out of her house. All for something totally new that has none of the guarantees I get from being where I am comfortable.

Last week I chose to see my new venture in a negative light. I was afraid that I would never get related to a new team at work. I was afraid I would never get the apartment I was already picturing as home. I even chose not to bond with a new seminar group because I loved my old group too much. But I was wrong. I learned the that you can create home wherever you go- as long as you are being yourself and dropping this story that new is uncomfortable. 

I heard a tale last night that really hit home for me. It was about two boys who faced a neverending wall on their way home from school. Instead of going around it, they would throw their hats over the wall- that way they would be forced to find a way over. 

This is what I did when I started living my vision. I got into action, I took the plunge, I threw my hat. But what comes after is a high climb up the wall in order to get to the other side. And I’m glad to say I’m on my way back down again. I have never been more excited for the life I’m creating. 

So what’s the next wall? Love. And that one should be interesting…

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