Old habits do die hard. And small decorative boxes are amazing for packing.
…Ok, so that second bit is still my old habits dying hard.
Remember how I discovered that I was an OCD hoarder? Well it appears purging has taken place of this hoarding. I have given away most of my stuff- to the point where half of my total belongings are now neatly stored and labelled in the small decorative boxes I once emptied in the great purge of 2011. And there they sit, waiting for me to move in a few short weeks. A slight detour on the pathway to normal-ville, but at least I’m headed in the right direction.
It also appears that I had a compulsive need to buy furniture and household items for a long while that went unnoticed. I ask you, what 29-year-old moving out of their childhood home for the first time has TOO MUCH furniture? This girl, right here…that’s who.

So that’s just what I did.
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