Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Times are a changing. And all we need is love.

As the world washes away the debris of winter, I start to think about our minds. They work at times like reservoirs- constantly needing to spill out and fill back up.

When my mind fills up with concern, there comes a point when I need to speak up so I can let go of what troubles me. Conversations you put off for years only fester. But it's so easy to be afraid of how people will respond, and not speak out on how we feel. At the end of the day, sometimes all you need to let go of a concern is to say it out loud- let it be heard and hold nothing back, and then suddenly, as if by magic, it no longer matters how anyone responds.

My body stores all of my concerns in it. My hips, my shoulders, my head all hang onto these things as much as my mind does. And having a network of people around you who care about you and want to support you can make all of the difference. When you lose someone in your life, what there is to do then is listen to your body, work on letting it go, and then notice who you do have in your life and be grateful for them.

I have never been more present to the love I have for the people in my life. They make this world better; they make my life better.

We live in an imperfect world. The things we want are most of the time not good for us, and they have the capability to make us utterly unhappy. So when what you want doesn't happen- look at what you need. Because all we usually need is love, friendship, trust, and fun.

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