I’m starting to feel like I am giving up a lot to live this vision. While there is an incredible sense of 'fresh-start' going on in my apartment from a severe lack of ‘stuff’ (a result of purging nearly everything I own), I am feeling a tad 'empty' as my apartment gets more and more physically empty.
I got to thinking about what actually drives me to have so much stuff, and not just commit to having one of something. So I brought my friend Google in for some help. And you know what he said? This:

It’s a drug. My urge to buy new things, find new people, go new places…is a drug in my brain. But it makes sense, right? It’s a high when you buy something new, go on a first date, or experience a new place. Imagine the thrill of going on a first date in a new outfit at a new place? That’s one hell of a habit to break- and one that most perpetually single people like myself are naturally drawn to (for now-obvious reasons).
This leads me to think this experience of living a new life, a new vision, might be a lot like breaking an addiction.
So now where do I start? Keep cleaning, I guess. And maybe obsess a little about how to break addictions by reading stuff on the internet. Maybe.
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