Friday, January 14, 2011

Goals all start with a Vision

More than ever, the beginning of the year represents re-evaluating your goals. Over the course of one night, New Year’s Eve can invoke all kinds of inspirations for people to change their lives. Normally, I am not one for resolutions because mostly they are about fixing the past and not looking to your future. But the start of 2011 did something different for me.

It started with a vision. You know the kind where you sit down, close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to be YOU, just 10 years older? I had that. I really created that, and felt what it would be like… and then as if in a rush, I completely lost it when I opened my eyes and came back to reality.

It got me thinking… why am I not creating this vision now? This vision of 38-year-old Jordana wouldn’t sit around wondering if she should do her dishes tonight or tomorrow morning: she would just do them. She is up to bigger things in life. She wouldn’t jump on new opportunities because the grass looks greener on the other side. She wouldn’t lead her life without commitment just in case something better came along. Through all of this, I got the feeling that potentially what is keeping me from accomplishing my goals is a lack of integrity for living a life that I love every day.

Now I know it seems nuts, talking about how the question “to do dishes, not to do dishes” is holding me back from greatness. But when it comes down to it, it does. Not so much the doing of dishes, as the thinking about doing dishes. Every moment I waste just thinking about being who I want to be, instead of JUST BEING IT, is a waste of time.

So here’s my thought; let’s make a pact. You and me. February 1st is Vision Day. On Vision Eve (aka January 31st), we all will get a chance to say goodbye to our mediocre selves, because on Vision Day, we all start acting in line with who we want to be instead of what is easy. New Year’s Eve can give the feeling of a fresh start, so let’s do the same with our Goals. Imagine a world where everyone had integrity with themselves, and lived the lives they always wanted. No more ‘grass is greener on the other side’. No more ‘easy way out’. Do the things you never thought possible, and do them now. And the best part is, you have the rest of January to clean up the mess of 2010 and make the space for 2011 to be that year!

Now that’s a world I want to live in. Won’t you join me?

1 comment:

  1. You inspiring lady you! I am in. In it to win it. I am very much over mediocre Julia (as awesome as she has been). Love you. Love you. Love you.
