Thursday, October 13, 2011


With my week of truth-telling came an unsuspected day of letting go.

I never realized how much effort it took to hold onto the truth until today. Up until this week, I was hanging onto the truth like a child gripping onto a teddy bear being ripped out of its arms. Practice has led truth-telling to now feel more like the release of a butterfly.

What I never realized is that I was hanging onto possessions much the same way. Today my childhood home was sold. I put my car up for sale. And I’m planning a staycation which will be entirely devoted to packing up and selling the things inside my family home.

I feel a resurgence of the same energy I had when I moved out. Excitement. Fear. And a strong release of energy followed by creating space for new things to enter in.

Of course it’s scary. But as I discovered in writing my last post, your biggest fears when expressed out into the world have the capability of inspiring others around you. And there is nothing more I am committed to than that.  

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