Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Neverending Why

Sometimes I think "why" is a trap. Today I made a split second decision that I instantly regretted. What directly followed was a stream of thoughts involving regret, self-hatred, and theories about how I don't take enough risks and am therefore unhappy. 

What I seem to always forget is that my decisions don't define me. They might affect me, my circumstances, and how others view me- but they do not characterize who I am as a person. Or at the very least, thinking that they do is not helpful in living an empowered life. 

I like to think I am who I make myself this moment; independent of the moments that precede it. This would mean I have the capability if inventing and reinventing myself, learning from my mistakes and putting those learnings into action. 

At times, if left to my own devices I can be a bit of a two year old; constantly asking why and striving to find the underlying reasons for why things are the way they are.  While this can be useful in some cases, sometimes it is not.

So I am making a pact with myself over the next few days. Stop thinking, start doing. Go with my instincts and stick to my decisions. They may not be perfect, but hey- neither am I. The least I can do is be loyal to myself.

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